Government Regd. No. 116812/070/071 | Tourism License No. 1650/070

Responsible Traveler

responsible Traveler

Here at Great Nepal Treks & Expedition, we understand the potential tourism has to lift Nepal ton a whole new level. However, we also understand that there are some negative impacts of tourism in the country. So, understanding both the positive and negative impacts, we try our best to make things right. Our team at Great Nepal work very hard to be responsible and not harm the country’s natural or social beauty in any way. And at the same time, we also make sure that both our guests get to experience Nepal to the fullest and make a positive impact.

At GNTE we take the initiative to make sure that guests take all the memories of Nepal, home but leave as less footprint as possible. And here is how we do it.

Socio-Cultural Responsibility

Nepal is very rich in culture with different religions and ethnic groups with their languages, culture, tradition and much more. For tourists, it can be tough to cope with the culture in the beginning as they are unaware of the things that are acceptable and things that are not.

So, local-expert guides at GNTE are always there beside you to make sure you do not offend anyone. Out guides being locals know very well about the things that should and should not be done. So, they don’t make only aware you about the minor do’s and don’ts but also keep you on your toes.They will aware you about the types of clothes you should wear at religious sights and acts that are not accepted like smoking, touching sacred objects and much more at holy sites beforehand.

Environmental Responsibility

As society and culture, it is essential that we do not offend nature. During any trek or tour, we advise guests that they stay in their boundaries and do not disturb the natural cycle of the environment. We always recommend using reusable bottles instead of one use water bottles as they litter the environment. Even if you use one, our guides will make sure that it is disposed of in the right place and it does not end up in a stream, water source or a sacred place.

Likewise, our guides will also tell you to avoid using flash and asking locals before taking their pictures. On the other hand, it is also highly advised that you keep your distance from the wildlife and not temper with any animals, birds, flora or anything.

Supporting Local Businesses

At GNTE we understand the importance of supporting local businesses especially when locals are conducting in extreme conditions like the Everest Region. So, on our behalf, we make sure that our guests stay at a locally owned lodge or tea house.

On the other hand, you can support local businesses by buying things, eating and spending money on local shops, restaurants and much more. This is important for their livelihood and to educate their children too.

Local Porters and Guides

All the guides and porters we employ at GNTE are locals and experts in their respective fields. Using local porter and guides increases employment opportunity in Nepal which is our main aim. Likewise, we offer them with all the essential services and make sure that porters are not carrying more 25 kg and out guest to porter ratio is 2:1. On the other hand, what you can do to travel responsibly is to tip. While tipping is not compulsory is Nepal, it is expected by your porter, driver and other staffs as it is a sign of satisfaction and you will also help them economically.