Government Regd. No. 116812/070/071 | Tourism License No. 1650/070

Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is very important part of the tourism industry in Nepal. While tourism has many positive impacts on the rural parts of Nepal, it also has some negative impacts, and the concept of CSR is to eliminate the impacts.

We at Great Nepal Treks & Expedition, understand our Corporate Social Responsibilities and have incorporated regulations in our business plan. We religiously implement our CSR policy and aim to promote the principles and practice of it in our business even more in the near future.

At GNTE, we believe in improving the lives of our fellow Nepalese brothers and sister, especially those who are living in rural areas.

Our company is affiliated with numerous national and international, governmental and non-governmental organizations which have helped us act responsibly and commit to sustainable tourism.

On the other hand, standing as one of the top travel agencies in Nepal, we work with other non-profitable organizations and conduct our own charity programs to help the community grow. The company always reserves 5% of the total income to support the family of guides and porters.

This fund will support and encourage all dedicated staffs too since this will provide huge support in their insurance policies. This fund from our profit margin and the financial support from our different guests is divided to educate the families of our entire team and to support them in uplifting the livelihood with good health, education and shelter benefits too. This fund is even used for social causes too. 

To give back to tourism in Nepal, here are some steps that can be taken:
  1. Support local businesses: When traveling to Nepal, try to support local businesses by buying souvenirs, eating at local restaurants, and staying in locally-owned accommodations. This will help to support the local economy and provide employment opportunities for local people.

  2. Volunteer with local organizations: There are many organizations in Nepal that work to promote sustainable tourism and support local communities. Consider volunteering with one of these organizations to give back to the local community.

  3. Choose sustainable tourism activities: When planning your trip to Nepal, choose activities that are sustainable and environmentally friendly. This could include trekking, bird watching, or visiting local conservation areas.

  4. Learn about the local culture: Take the time to learn about the local culture and customs in Nepal. This will help you to appreciate the country and its people and also show respect for their way of life.

  5. Spread the word: After your trip to Nepal, share your experiences with others and encourage them to visit the country. This will help to promote tourism in Nepal and support the local economy.

  1. Be responsible and respectful: When visiting Nepal, it’s important to be responsible and respectful towards the environment and the local community. This means following the rules and regulations, not littering, and being mindful of cultural sensitivities.

  2. Support local conservation efforts: Nepal is home to many endangered species and unique ecosystems. Consider supporting local conservation efforts by donating to organizations that work to protect these habitats and species.

  3. Choose ethical trekking companies: Trekking is a popular activity in Nepal, but it’s important to choose an ethical trekking company that treats its guides and porters fairly and follows sustainable practices.

  4. Attend local events: Nepal has a rich cultural heritage and many festivals and events that celebrate this. Attend local events to learn more about the country’s culture and support the local community.

  5. Leave a positive impact: When you leave Nepal, leave a positive impact behind. Consider leaving a donation to a local organization or project, or simply share your positive experiences with others to encourage them to visit Nepal as well.

Take a look at some of our Corporate Social Responsibility acts.


Scholarship and Health Programs for Children

Scholarship and Health Programs for Children

Women and Children Support Program

Women and Children Support Program

guide and porter policy

Guide and Porter Policy

Free health checkup programs

Free Health Checkup Programs